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Trip to the Hardware Store

I am currently having the little room where I teach renovated. I have to do this because during last year’s heavy rains, the ceilings leaked. And my books got all wet. And I can’t use these anymore. Not that these are new ones, these are mostly used textbooks but I use these for reference so it saddens me so that this had to happen.

I don’t know a thing about having a little construction done though I love going to hardware stores. I’d easily get lost in a hardware store because there are so many things to see and touch and think about: shower heads, pots for plants, Venetian blinds, address plaques for houses, cabinet handles and even those colorful paints.

There is just so many things to see and buy there. The most fun? In this particular hardware store where we buy dog food, there is a Japanese store inside where we buy things for only Php85. Happiness!

Posted by Treasure Jar on Apr 2nd 2012 | Filed in FYI,Purse Strings | Comments (0)