Tag Archive 'coffee'

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I Love Coffee

I love coffee. Who doesn’t? Even my only son, when asked what is his favorite smell, he would answer “coffee’. Yes, he says it is his favorite smell in the world. LOL.

Anyway, hubby told me of a coffee machine that they have in their office and I know it is impossible but I wanted to tell him that I want one at home! Imagine having four kinds of coffee anytime I want to? Wow.

Hmmmm… maybe not that kind and I would gladly settle for a  Nespresso because I might have a caffeine overdose with that bigger machine.

Ok, that does it. I am going to get my second cup now.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Jul 27th 2009 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Kitchen Needs | Comments (0)

Coffee Talk

Almost everyone I know loves coffee.

Why, even my 7 year old son would declare that “coffee is his favorite smell”. Really.

I love coffee too though I can survive the day without drinking a cup. My hubby makes a wonderful cup which I love to drink.

We rarely use coffee makers since we use instant coffee drink. In fact our coffee maker has been unused since we got it five or so years ago.

Coffee shops have grown exponentially for the past year.

These are sprouting like mushrooms, they are almost everywhere! Proof that this country loves to drink this beverage or just want to hang out with friends holding on and drinking a cup of coffee for two hours. Ugh.

UPDATE (Feb07,2013)

Since this blog post, we started on drinking brewed coffee and has not gone back to drinking instant coffee.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Dec 31st 2008 | Filed in FYI,Kitchen Needs,Trivia | Comments (0)