Running Water
- MacGyver :: used to watch this
- Garter :: “bacon”
- Wedge :: lemon
- Inches :: feet
- Code :: Morse
- Water :: refreshing
- Running :: I am
- Curly :: Tops (locally made chocolate)
- Turkey :: dinner
- Stupor :: zzzz….
The brown pony galloped towards the meadow. The young girl riding on its back is so happy to be out today. She loves to go riding and feel the cool breeze on her face. She will pick up wild flowers to bring home to her mom.
End of entry for oneword.
If only things are this easy and fun and people do not have to think of war, poverty, famine, child abuse, health insurance leads issues and concerns.
Alas, such is not possible for we have to undergo a lot of challenges which will make us better persons who hope to be able to cope with even more and bigger challenges.
She got her headband and gingerly fixed her hair. It is their first date after all and she wanted to look fabulous.
She is excited, giddy with anticipation. Would they have a good time together? Would there be a second one after this?
Ahhh… (buzzer sounded)
Join oneword and express your thoughts in 60 seconds.
My 60 second answer:
“He lit the incense sticks and sat down to quietly reflect on what has been happening in his life lately.
His thoughts lingered to how he really feels about the girl he loves so much.”