- Girlfriend :: girlfriends love to eat, have coffee and shop together (yes, dahling, that includes getting those cutesy valentines day lingerie gifts)
- Crushed :: is a feeling with a person filled with self-pity and doubts
- Source :: of info should be verified especially for controversial issues
- Corner :: stone of a great friendship is to be truthful and avoid #5
- Gossip :: is not good but a lot of people love engage in it
- Encounter :: with a sicko is not a great experience.
- Make an offer :: Yes or No?
- Stylish :: doesn’t mean expensive
- Profit :: is what we love to have but that would be mean working hard for it
- Waste :: of time and energy is what I get when I think of some “issues” and I definitely don’t want to lose sleep over it

Tags: crushed

- Bootie :: shake it
- User :: I know of people who are like this
- Child :: should be loved and nurtured
- Scribe :: writers from old times
- Manager :: stressful I guess, to be one
- Upsetting :: friends who take advantage
- Puddles :: jump in rain puddles, reminds me of this sad post
- Hopeful :: that things will be ok with people I hold close to my heart
- Procrastination :: is what I do most of the time, tsk, tsk!
- Statistics :: is what my 9yo son loves to study. No kidding.
Tags: mutterings, scribe, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Charts :: are my son’s favorite Math lesson
- Best moment of 2010? :: vacation time with the hubby (we haven’t done this for a long time)
- Checkered :: chess board
- Glass :: windows need some cleaning love
- Resolve? :: whatever conflicts before Christmas
- Expensive :: bags are not my thing
- Humongous :: cheesecake for everyone to share, yey!
- Scent :: of a Woman, I think this is one of the hubby’s favorite movies
- Trashy :: talk of some people I know leaves a bad taste in the mouth
- Candles :: the scented ones make me sneeze and sneeze
Tags: Muttering, Unconscious Mutterings, vacation

- Twitter :: teacherjulie but restricted tweets to followers only
- Facebook :: teacherjulie for my blog
- MySpace :: I have none
- Friend :: True friends are hard to find, online friends are a dime in a dozen
- Subscribe :: I did to some online sites where I can watch TV series and blu ray movies
- Conflict :: of interest is often one of the many reasons people have misunderstanding
- Ignore :: a friend request from people you don’t know or accounts that seem suspicious
- Drama :: to watch one in the movies or on tv is fine with me but to see drama unfold in online communities is nasty, well, for me, it is
- Hide :: your status from people you don’t really know. There IS a way to do it.
- List :: down your friends in LISTS, that way you can opt to see who is online or not if you want to chat with them or send a group message. In FB that is.
Tags: tv series, tv shows

- Scrabble :: wordsmith
- Watching :: TV series and DVD, I like!!
- Habitually :: day in and day out
- Gritty :: I wish my children would be like this when they grow up
- Slovenly :: look in the mirror please
- Canvas :: easel
- Leggings :: for long shapely legs
- Thursday :: is a long day of work for me
- Attention :: getting children are some of those I work with
- Hypnotic :: can’t take your eyes off whatever it is
Tags: mutterings, Unconscious Mutterings

- Freezing :: point
- Bikers :: I’m not one of them

- Infrequently :: I am inspired to beat deadlines

- Mickey :: and Minnie
- School :: is cool
- Textile :: make my eyes feel itchy
- Obstinate :: one track mind
- Guard :: “No ID, No Entry”
- Release :: all tension is something we should always do
- Authentic :: at times mean expensive
Tags: Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play