Serious courtships in past have the men serenading the women, professing their undying love while belting out songs with their washburn guitars accompanied by friends and other family members.
Gone are those days when gentlemen not only serenade their loved ones with songs but they also help with back-breaking work in the woman’s home to be able to gain the support of the woman’s family
During the Christmas season, I enjoyed watching lights show than fireworks display. I am not sure though if this comes with age, lol. Or maybe because I am more concerned with the effects of fireworks in the environment that have me pick another option.
Last Christmas season’s Light Show at TriNoma was a hit with the kids, We even had to delay eating our dinner just so the kids can watch again. I’m sure others won’t mind hauling big, bulky and nor necessarily cheap musical instruments to and fro the area if they were asked to play live music.
I love the Christmas tree at my MIL’s home. The photo here does not do justice to how it looks so nice. Sitting on the sofa and cushions on the floor, what we need is a fireplace to make the room more Christmas-y than it already is.
At home, we didn’t do an elaborate Christmas tree decoration. In fact, it was the youngest child who did the tree so ours was without lights. I was not much into the swing of things about Christmas last month because of something that happened.