Philippine Spring Cleaning Day
Philippine Spring Cleaning Day? Why not?
If we need allergies and dengue fever to clean up, then we have to change the way we clean our surroundings by developing good cleaning habits. How?
- Set a schedule for cleaning AND disinfecting to kill those disease-causing organisms.
- Put together cleaning supplies in one place for easier access. Seeing these together will inspire you to clean up.
- Pick up those clothes on the floor and put them in laundry bins.
- Cleaning also involves discarding those junk things that you are holding on to. “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” so they say. Why not try to clean out your closets and give clothes that have not been worn for over three years? What about those books gathering dust? I’m sure someone else will be happy to get those things from you. I do this every so often much to the chagrin of my better half
- Try to have indoor plants in your home for a touch of green. Tried it but plants died so I just have a small garden outdoors.
- Clean as you go, dust if you must!
- Fix your bed and change the sheets often to avoid disease-causing bacteria. When the sun is hot, try to “air” the pillows as a way to kill those germs.
- Sort your trash. We do sorting in this household, putting together those that can be recycled like plastic bottles, plastic wraps, boxes, cans, and foils and giving them to my cleaning lady (who incidentally just finished cleaning the yard a while ago). Our left-over food (if there are any) and peelings go together..
- Get those cleaning agents and disinfectants from the supermarket shelves straight to the barcode scanner cashiers and don’t hesitate to get them. You’ll be needing these for cleaning up. You paid for these therefore you won’t have second thoughts not using them, right?
- Try using vinegar for cleaning up. Yes, it actually works and it’s cheaper too.
Reward yourself a treat after your cleaning tasks. On the other hand, having a clean and disinfected house is a reward in itself, don’t you think?
Be part of the first public and private initiative for cleaning and sanitation and join Lysol and its partner organizations as they celebrate the first-ever Philippine Spring Cleaning Day on May 11.
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[…] clean. I save.” This is what the Philippine Spring Cleaning Day aims: clean and sanitized homes to prevent an outbreak of infectious […]