Sunday Afternoon
A lot of things are vertical in this Sunday afternoon photo. I also featured a part of this set here. I don’t take much photos anymore when we come here.
This is where we love to have a run (or ok, more of walking for me). This placed used to be a bit deserted during this time a few years ago but since “running” as a sport has taken a new twist, everybody and his uncle are into it. And a lot see themselves as “experts”. Hmmm…
Since running has a lot of positive benefits (yay, shoe stores are happy!) taking this as a sport is not bad. For those who want to lose weight, running and weight loss diet is a good combination to achieve good results.And that is just one of the benefits one can get from running.
1, 2, 3, let’s go!
Great shot of so many passionate about being outdoors and getting fit!
i wish i live near UP so i can walk here on weekends. i always love the ancient acacia trees here and the cool breezes.
haha, nice take on the theme!
Was this taken inside UP Dil campus? I have begun taking my dogs for regular walks everyday and so far, I feel a lot better. I haven’t seen any loss in my weight yet, but hopefully in the long run, I will
Am getting started with running too:) not because it’s the “in” thing but because i’m getting bored with the aerobics/group exercise thing. It’s a good form of exercise though but sometimes, I do the walking if i’m on my slow down or lazy mode;) thanks for dropping by my blog.
thanks for sharing your interpretation of the verticle them today, i like the photos of these children running!
Hi Julie, thanks for your visit and kind comment on my vertical photo. Despite all the activity, to me your photo has a calming effect, perhaps this is due to the light? Well done, very interesting. By the way I prefer walking too – it’s gentler on my knees
Well, I guess if you are human, you have to be “vertical” in order to run. My kind of folks streak away on all fours and get there faster! But such is life for us cats.
Good for you! Great v-post!
Happy Sunday!
(I’m very late, but if you have the time,please take a peek at my v-post)
nice take for the theme! ganda ng place for walking, jogging and running, san yan?
mine’s up at
[…] always tell the family, next Sunday we will go do these things again but sleep, that elusive sleep wins over more than anything […]