I Am Not Ready for Summer
I heard giggling girls at the mall today talking about crash diets that work.
Just exactly what I need to remind me that summer is HERE and I haven’t done a thing to at least minimize, ok then burn, these unsightly mid-body bulges. Ugh.
Eat plenty of raw leafy vegetables? Check.
Use of olive oil in cooking? Check.
More healthy eating? Check.
More fruits in the diet? Check.
Staying on schedule re morning rounds? Check. For not doing these religiously in reality but mental running definitely a yes. Booo!!!
No soda or sugared drinks? Check for yes
Definitely not ready for summer yet.
Oh well, I may not be able to wear clothes that are the current fad, my only wish is that I be healthy and free from any illnesses.
Bitter, hahaha.
Come to think of it, without no one to mind the house, we can’t even go on a vacation, not even spend oversight at my parents’ home. It has been years ago since we had a real vacation away from home.
Staycation is not really a case to be sad about, we love to stay at home and chill but being in an entirely different place and exploring new surroundings can do a lot for bored children.