It’s Like History

We had a lunch picnic last Sunday. We took a lot of photos. Hubby tried to capture the trees around us in black and white.

When we were looking at the photos, one of my kids said “It’s like history” referring to the black and white photos.

Here is a sample of one of the photos that he referred to:

Yes, this photo reminds people about the past, when we, as children, loved to run around, climb trees, sweat it out and play games with our friends.

Children these days have it differently.

Instead of role-playing, they battle monsters in their electronic gadgets.

Instead of climbing trees, they just go online, chat with friends and run the risk of going to unfavorable sites not intended for them.

Instead of using their creativity in playing games, they are glued to the television, watching their favorite television shows.

I have read a magazine article that children who grew up playing strategy games are better equipped with the skills needed to survive the workplace because they have been trained to solve problems, look for ways around difficult situations and explore different possibilities and outcomes.

Are they really?

Or do life lessons and social interactions make them better equipped to face the challenges in life later on?

Treasure Jar Nov 19th 2008 12:25 am Blast from the Past,Bonding Time,Through the Lens No Comments yet Trackback URI Comments RSS

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