Ruin(ed) in Intramuros, the Walled City

Every Saturday, participants post photos based on a theme. The theme for this Saturday is RUIN(ED).

The first thing that came to mind was the photos we took when we all trooped to historical sites as a part of our home schooling lessons for History. I have posted entries here, here and here.

Photos of the entrance to Intramuros are in my other blog post about Ruin(ed).

My entry for ruin(ed) is this:

Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel, Intramuros, Manila

The sign at the gate of the church says:

There you go, one of the historical sites to be found in the famous Intramuros Walled City, which was completed in 1606. During that time, it was the center of the Spaniard power when the Philippines was a colony (for more than 300 years until the country got its independence in 1898).

Treasure Jar Nov 15th 2008 12:05 am Blast from the Past,Bonding Time,Through the Lens 7 Comments Trackback URI Comments RSS

7 Responses to “Ruin(ed) in Intramuros, the Walled City”

  1. tanchi on 15 Nov 2008 at 10:10 pm link comment

    wow..i really love to have a photoshoot on intramuros..
    hoping that someday:)



    visit mine:


  2. jmb on 16 Nov 2008 at 1:47 am link comment

    Lovely photo Julie, the mossy steps brighten what otherwise would have been an interesting but a beige photo. You have the “eye” .

  3. jhum on 16 Nov 2008 at 3:20 pm link comment

    this intramuros wall brings back memories during my collegiate level in MIT. great entry for ruin themed. happy photo hunting!

  4. […] I decided to post a photo of these ducks standing on a piece of a Styrofoam board that I saw floating on the moat at the entrance of Fort Santiago which I earlier featured here. […]

  5. admin on 23 Nov 2008 at 3:55 pm link comment

    Thanks for the visit 🙂

  6. admin on 23 Nov 2008 at 3:59 pm link comment

    Thanks JMB 🙂

    You know what, I didn’t remember that there was a stair there so we climbed the ramp on the other side of the church. When we went down, it was a bit dangerous and a bit slippery because of the moss. When we got down already, that was when I remembered about these stairs 😀

  7. admin on 23 Nov 2008 at 4:04 pm link comment

    Thanks for the visit 🙂

    Your school is located in a very historical place 🙂

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