- Twitter :: teacherjulie but restricted tweets to followers only
- Facebook :: teacherjulie for my blog
- MySpace :: I have none
- Friend :: True friends are hard to find, online friends are a dime in a dozen
- Subscribe :: I did to some online sites where I can watch TV series and blu ray movies
- Conflict :: of interest is often one of the many reasons people have misunderstanding
- Ignore :: a friend request from people you don’t know or accounts that seem suspicious
- Drama :: to watch one in the movies or on tv is fine with me but to see drama unfold in online communities is nasty, well, for me, it is
- Hide :: your status from people you don’t really know. There IS a way to do it.
- List :: down your friends in LISTS, that way you can opt to see who is online or not if you want to chat with them or send a group message. In FB that is.
Tags: tv series, tv shows
I love watching Big Bang Theory 
I can totally relate to the characters especially Sheldon because I have met and worked with a lot of (future) Sheldons at work 
Click here to view a short clip
Of course, it may seem funny to those who are not initiated with how it is to live with these people who have issues with pragmatics and semantics
But then, I am glad that there are shows like these to enlighten people, and not ridicule and make fun of the fact that there are other people who are like Sheldon who needs understanding and patience from other people
Tags: television, tv series, tv shows