Tag Archive 'online discount voucher sites'

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I Signed Up in Another Groupon. Again.

I’ve recently signed up an account with another one of those groupons or online discount voucher sites.

*rolls eyes and shudders*

I chose to pay with over-the-counter method so that we don’t have to go online and pay with rfid credit cards. Plus hubby was the one paying because I am closely guarding my online spending for something big (read: tuition fee).

It was of extreme importance that I sign up with THIS one because they were offering a small gadget with another one thrown in the bundle. The price was irresistible and so the hubby agreed we’d get the deal because we were going to buy that certain gadget anyway.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Jul 28th 2011 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Purse Strings | Comments (0)