Cafe Munchkin’s Birthday Blowout!
Yes, Weng’s Cafe Munchkin had its first birthday last February 12! To celebrate this one-year blog anniversary, Cafe Munchkin’s resident chef is having a birthday blowout! Woohoo!
Here are the mechanics:
All you have to do is post an entry on your blog about who or what you consider to be the greatest influence/s on your cooking, food preferences or views on food (that is, if you yourself don’t cook) and how that influence comes through. Don’t forget to link to this entry so I can get a pingback from you. Then, come back to this post and leave a comment informing me that you have already posted an entry. You have until 11:59pm (CST) of March 9th, that’s two weeks from today, to post your entries.
Ok, now here are my answers:
- Who do you consider the greatest influence on your cooking? I must say that both my parents are my influences in my cooking. Both can cook although they have different preferences. My father likes cooking with meat whereas my mother likes food with fish and vegetables. Their meals are simple but are very delicious, more like soul food or comfort food for me.
- My food preferences. I do not have food preferences but what I cook for my family mostly stems from inspiration and what I think they will appreciate more. Simple home-cooked meals do well for me because I am a working mom. We have not been having pork though for a long time now and if we do, these are far and in between. I mostly serve lean chicken and fish plus more vegetables and fruits.
- How do those influences come through? As I have mentioned, my parents cook simple home-cooked meals and that is what I do too.
Happy blog anniversary Weng! More food posts with wonderful photos