Tag Archive 'fine-motor skills'

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Play-Doh by Hasbro is a non-toxic and non-staining modeling compound for children.  It comes in different colors in small containers with lids matching the color of the Play-Doh.

Children can play with these Play-Doh for hours. They can be taught to identify colors as well mixing colors to form other colors. The basic yellow, red, blue and white set can yield other secondary colors like green, purple, orange, and pink, and a host of other colors that will be produced when these are mixed and matched.

Their imagination can also be enhanced when they try to make copies of things around them. Or better yet, create things and creatures out of their imagination.

Fine-motor skills like rolling, pinching, pounding, pulling, cutting and kneading.

They also get to experience sensory stimulation through feeling the modeling compound, sometimes using the environment as their tools.

Click here to make your own modeling clay using basic baking ingredients.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Nov 5th 2008 | Filed in Arts and Crafts,For Little Hands | Comments (1)