What’s Inside Your Bag?
Do you have that urge to look through the bag of a friend and see what’s inside? Just to satisfy your curiosity among others. Perhaps you might want to discover the beauty secret why your friend’s skin is flawless only to find out that she is just using proactiv.
I remember doing a “what’s inside your bag photo meme” before and I admit, it was fun looking at what other have inside their bags.
Some of the things I featured in that bag meme are still there while there have been some changes. What remained constant is the bag’s weight.
I know heavy bags should be a no-no because there are a lot of not-so-good results when these are constantly carried. Back pains and pains on the shoulders (which sometimes cause blisters and other skin conditions) are just two of the ill-effects of carrying a heavy bag.
What can you do to prevent these conditions?
- Minimize what you have in your bag to avoid experiencing painful condition.
- Plan your day so that you do not need to bring everything at once.
- Distribute the weight although this would mean having more than one bag.