Tags: cool drink, Goldilocks, iced drink, sago't gulaman
Treasure Jar Mar 18th 2010 05:05 pm From the Admin's Desk,Through the Lens,Visual Delights 4 Comments Trackback URI Comments RSS
Refreshing. Goldilocks, huh? Are you Filipino? I am.
yep! Hi Marcie
I’m craving for weather that makes you crave an ice drink.
OOOhhh, I agree with Ania… I’m craving the summer sun and warmth to want that yummy drink!
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Refreshing. Goldilocks, huh? Are you Filipino? I am.
yep! Hi Marcie
I’m craving for weather that makes you crave an ice drink.
OOOhhh, I agree with Ania… I’m craving the summer sun and warmth to want that yummy drink!