Havaianas Happy Soles Will Travel to Brazil
Join the Havaianas Happy Soles Will Travel to Brazil contest and win an all-expense paid 12-day trip to Brazil with three of your friends!
Answer the question: “If anything was possible, what would you do to make everyone happy for a day?” with a 1-minute video.
Who can join?
How to join:
3 Ways to Send Your Entry:
Option #1: Visit the Roving Video Booth at the mall nearest you:
Roving Video Booth Schedule:
Option #2: Email your video entry to happysoles@havaianasphilippines.com
Option #3: Upload your video via http://www.havaianasphilippines.com/happysoles
All entries will be accepted until 10pm of May 2, 2010
The 10 (ten) best entries will be chosen according to the following criteria:
Online voting will be done from May 6 – 27, 2010
Announcement of winner will be on May 27, 2010 via an online show at the Happy Soles Campaign site
The winner and three of her/his friends will go on an all-expense paid, 12-day trip to Brazil! Special prizes are also up for grabs for the winner!
For more details, visit the website at Havaianas Philippines Happy Soles
Thanks Julie for sharing this. I’ll try to join.