Reunions Can Be Fun Too
Family reunions are happy events as loved ones gather to enjoy each others’ company in once-in-a-while moments.
If there is one thing that makes love ones feel awkward with would be to think of topics that will sustain the conversation and keep the communication a two-way street.
It probably feels weird being face-to-face with a cousin you haven’t seen in years and where the only memories y0u got between the two of you is childhood spent together playing games during weekends.
Of course you can’t possibly bore your relatives about the nitty gritty details of your work unless they are interested nor should you explain in detailed version how you bought your new condo unit or how you got the best auto insurance quote or maybe even about your stock market portfolio.
What should you talk about then?
- Update each other about how you are doing but be general with the details unless they ask you.
- Introduce your children (if you have some) but do not spend too much time enumerating their best features.
- Try to find a topic that will interest them.
- Play fun games.
- As much as possible, avoid gossiping about those who did not make it to the reunion.
Last of all, enjoy the moment of togetherness