Bottomless Iced Tea

Bottomless iced tea. Our children love to drink this beverage, bottomless or not.

One of the more popular “resto-rant” would be about iced tea not getting filled fast enough especially when there are a lot of customers.

We have encountered those too but more often, we don’t. So what’s the secret?

Sit near where the pitchers are kept 😉

One more thing, we ask if it is ok for two young children to share the bottomless iced tea. They usually say yes.  If only they know these two children drink more than I can drink, so “shhhhh…” 😉

4 Responses to “Bottomless Iced Tea”

  1. Zee on 07 Jun 2009 at 12:08 pm link comment

    hahaha i remember my bottomless iced tea experiences…kakainis naman if they won’t refill my glass fast enough…and of course, the regular trip to the restroom! hahahaha 😀

    btw iced tea here in the US is different from the iced tea we have sa Pinas…they use teas from teabags and I don’t like it…hehehe 😀

  2. Jay - Agent112778 on 07 Jun 2009 at 2:00 pm link comment

    im a camel on bottomless ice tea so i understand your rant…

    im not satisfied if i did not get about 4 glasses: 1 before eating(during serving); 2 during eating and another 1 after (as in 1 more for the road) =))

    my entry is here

    magandang araw ka-lasa-ista 🙂
    Salamat sa pagbisita 🙂

  3. ces on 10 Jun 2009 at 1:28 am link comment

    i know right? we do that too, no worries!:) oh i miss Aristocrat’s iced tea!:)

  4. […] should have been an entry for my resto-rant LaPiS entry which incidentally happened two weeks ago so this can’t possibly […]

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