Fresh Lemon Grass Tea
Disclaimer: I am not saying that the fresh lemon grass tea that my son had for several days was the answer in him not having any wheezes due to asthma. It could be coincidental or it could have been really effective with him.
I have written in one of my blogs about my son drinking warm lemon grass tea for several days now and that the asthma symptoms hasn’t been felt ever since he started drinking.
My youngest daughter had a slight fever yesterday and I asked her to drink the same tea preparation. After some time, her temperature had gone down.
Now I am sharing how this fresh lemon grass tea was prepared.
- First boil water for the tea.
- When the water has come to a rolling boil, turn off the heat.
- Put in a long stalk/leaf of fresh lemon grass (cut into 3-4 pieces but this will depend on the size of the pot used for the water) and put these in the hot water.
- Let the stalks/cut leaf stay in the water for a few minutes.
- Pour the tea in a cup.
- Add a tablespoon (or two) of honey. Stir.
- Drink the tea while it is still warm.
For a more wonderful aroma, put a stalk of Italian oregano together with the lemon grass.
For more info, click here and here.
Or visit the website of Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care or PITAHC.
[…] those who want to know to make the fresh lemon grass tea, click this post I have written. Thank […]
I love lemon grass! I use it in my cooking
I heard it makes a great tea as well, and now, I actually know someone who makes lemon grass tea! Thanks, Teacher Julie! Will definitely try this at home.
[…] kinds of tea that are being sold. We have succumbed to this tea-drinking by making our own fresh lemon grass tea. Yes, we have started to grow the herbs we use for this tea. In fact, my son just had half a cup a […]
[…] an avid gardener. In fact, it was just a few weeks ago when we started to have a little garden with some herbs planted. I have a packet of seeds and two plant troughs ready to be used.Now is the right time to do this […]
[…] have written about my son and us too, drinking fresh lemon grass tea here. I have written about having a vegetable garden […]
[…] drinks. There is a variety of teas available. We have yellow tea after dinner. The children have fresh lemon grass tea at night too. There are also drinks that provide nutritional supplements. Fresh coconut drink is […]
My sister told me about lemon grass tea and she gave me some. I loved the taste and started drinking this daily. I would like to know if this tea is good for anemic people? I heard that tea lessens the absorbtion of iron.
[…] sole purpose of this is to be included in the Fresh Lemon Grass tea that we drink at […]
[…] know why so I really have to get a new plant to replace that. My eldest daughter was asking to drink the tea yesterday because she has slight […]