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Any Sale Events Coming Up?

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and I can feel the cool breeze already.

I am on the look out for sale/marked down prices before Christmas events. I know some of these can be a real competition but let me not get into that ugly part, lol.

Some of the things I may need to get IF I manage to go to one. Or two.

  • shoes for school (and for me)
  • undergarments for the kids
  • gifts for relatives
  • outdoor clothes (because we plan to be more active, hah!) and that includes looking at wide selection women’s north face jackets, running/walking outfits and even yoga clothes. (Ok, I think I am over-excited with this one, lol)
  • small kitchen appliances

That’s it. I have to print this list I guess so I don’t get things we won’t be using.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Oct 11th 2012 | Filed in Purse Strings | Comments (0)