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I GoBigger and GoBetter with Globe

I GoBigger and GoBetter with Globe

Would you rather GoBigger or GoBetter?

I would GoBigger or GoBetter with my mother who has been a Globe subscriber for more than 10 years now.


My mama and papa live a good 4-5 hours away from where I have settled with my family. it is just the two of them who live together in our home. A home with a roof destroyed by a massive typhoon that wrecked a lot more homes. They have been living in an apartment of a relative for two years now and they are ready to move back any day because the house has been repaired to be livable, after two years.

We constantly get in touch through sending sms daily and by short calls. I opted to keep my Globe prepraid sim card which I have been using since 1999 or so, back when we still had to pay Php165 to use the sms services at Globe stores. I have since exchanged this Jurassic sim card to a newer one, using the same number that old contacts still use to communicate with me. This is what I use to communicate with my parents through sms and calls.

Now that I have read about Globe’s GoBigger and GoBetter plans, I plan to be in constant communication with my parents because I don’t have to worry about the charges that will be used.

If I can’t be there for them physically and them for me, then it is enough that I hear their voices and I am asured that they are all well and good.

Your Globe Prepaid just got better and bigger with more prepaid offers!

Only Globe Prepaid gives me Bigger and Better unli offers.


Go Bigger
– GoCALL100 gives me more call minutes (500 mins) VS Competitors offer (200 mins). No need to use prefix to enjoy unlicalls.


– With GoUNLI30, I get real unlimited service with unli allnetwork texts, unli calls to Globe TM, plus the real UNLI-chat experience with the best apps available. It’s the real deal compared to competitor’s UNLI offer.

Go Better
– GoUNLITXT49 gives me the same UNLI texts to Globe/TM at a BETTER prices VS Competitors offer.


– With GoUNLI25, I get real unlimited service w/ unli Globe/TM calls and texts, plus unli Viber chat to the rest of my friends. It’s the real deal compared to competitor’s UNLI offer.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Sep 24th 2013 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk | Comments (0)