- Twitter :: teacherjulie but restricted tweets to followers only
- Facebook :: teacherjulie for my blog
- MySpace :: I have none
- Friend :: True friends are hard to find, online friends are a dime in a dozen
- Subscribe :: I did to some online sites where I can watch TV series and blu ray movies
- Conflict :: of interest is often one of the many reasons people have misunderstanding
- Ignore :: a friend request from people you don’t know or accounts that seem suspicious
- Drama :: to watch one in the movies or on tv is fine with me but to see drama unfold in online communities is nasty, well, for me, it is
- Hide :: your status from people you don’t really know. There IS a way to do it.
- List :: down your friends in LISTS, that way you can opt to see who is online or not if you want to chat with them or send a group message. In FB that is.
Tags: tv series, tv shows