7-Eleven Panalo’tto
For every PhP50 purchase from 7-Eleven,one gets a lotto entry to match and combine to win up to PhP7 million in prizes. These lotto tickets entitles customers freebies and/or discounts as indicated in the printout. Yes, it pays to save your receipts.
For every top prize winner, donation will be made to ABS-CBN Foundation Inc. Winning combination will be announced every Wednesday, to be posted in all 7-Eleven stores. Check their website too.
How to play: match number combination announced online or in the stores. Three out of five numbers nets you PhP5,000. Four out of five will win PhP10,000.
If you get five our of the five combinations you win PhP500,000.
Anybody keeping 7-Eleven Panalotto coupons? I need any of these #s: 23 10 36 38 73 40 21 71 90
email me at dennis.techtowers@gmail.com
There is a link to their website in this post where you made your comment. Try to see if what you are looking for is there