Streaming Guests
- Coverage :: video
- Cynical :: distrustful
- Gust :: wind
- Improvised :: resourceful
- V :: VGood (iMom‘s daughter)
- Guests :: welcomed or not?
- Brutal :: bad
- Grant ::say yes
- Pull :: push
- Streaming :: flowing
Speaking of guests, Filipinos are known to be very hospitable to their guests. They bring out the best that they have to offer: best dishes to serve, the best linen, the best silverware, the best platter and their time.
Those having guests are willing to spend the night in their living room just so their guests can sleep comfortably in their bedroom.
They will go to great lengths just so they can prepare the most scrumptious food they can prepare, even if these are at times way beyond what they can afford. These food will be served on platters rarely used and eaten with silverware that have been stored in cabinets.
They will give their best smiles and bring out their best jokes. They will even get off from work just so they can prepare these things or spend time with their guests.
They come across as warm, friendly, hospitable and easy to approach. There is no such thing as “bad timing” for guests to arrive.
The Filipino hospitality, one of the most admired traits that we Filipinos have.
I like your #10 answer…so many have video…your style of thinking is tops.
Mine’s posted, stop by won’t you? [You’ll have to scroll down a bit to find ’em, but they’re there today.]
Happy Sunday.
Thanks for the visit, Anni 🙂