In Love with Ceramics

  1. In love :: wonderful feeling
  2. Be my guest :: hospitality at its best
  3. Number one :: Numero Uno
  4. Swallowed whole ::a medicine tablet
  5. 50 percent :: half
  6. Made in :: China food products scare almost everyone now
  7. Supplement :: nutritional
  8. Right for :: your age
  9. Endless :: forever
  10. Ceramic :: vase

Speaking of ceramic vases, I remember when I was a young girl of around 15, I used to go to my grandparents home and spend weekends there. I travel a little over an hour by bus on Friday afternoons and come back home on Sunday after lunch.

One time, my younger brother went with me. I thought about going to a relative’s place to buy some ceramics, mostly mini vases and figurines, before heading for home.

When we were nearing home, one of the tires of the bus exploded and dark smelly smoke filled the bus.

I grabbed my brother first and amost totally forgot my bag of ceramic vases and figurines. When everything was calm, I went back to the bus and got my bag of goodies. Good thing the ceramics didn’t break.

Treasure Jar Nov 2nd 2008 03:58 pm Word Play 10 Comments Trackback URI Comments RSS

10 Responses to “In Love with Ceramics”

  1. Hootin' Anni on 02 Nov 2008 at 8:26 pm link comment

    I can’t believe that we matched number one…number one that is, not #1. rofl

    Enjoy your Sunday, and hope you can stop by for a visit if you can find time.

  2. Suzan J. on 03 Nov 2008 at 1:01 am link comment

    We share the love of ceramic! It’s is nice to read the different answers! Thnx for sharing!

  3. Patsy on 03 Nov 2008 at 1:49 am link comment

    That is a wonderful memory from this game. Thanks for sharing. This is just my second time to join in the fun.

  4. Laane on 03 Nov 2008 at 5:07 am link comment

    You were very lucky, because a lot of vases are rather delicate.

    Nice mutterings.

    You can find mine ::here::.

    Have a wonderful week!

  5. Sreisaat on 03 Nov 2008 at 3:41 pm link comment

    Hi Julie. I have a similar experience as yours — I was on a passenger boat and the waves are really huge tossing the boat from side to side. Next thing I knew, a monstrous wave hit our boat and water surged drenching everything and everyone on the boat. There was a commotion – people started panicking and running away – unfortunately, my figurines were crushed.
    Great mutterings, by the way 🙂

  6. admin on 03 Nov 2008 at 6:05 pm link comment

    Now this made me remember my first ride in a supercat from Cebu to Bohol when Metro Manila was experiencing a rare Storm Signal #4 (July 2003). The waves were up to the windows of the supercat and it was a good things I played with the bag for those who are sea-sick. I needed that after a few minutes. Ugh. To think we were going to Bohol for the burial of my FIL that time and I was thinking we could be next 🙁

    I’m sorry to learn about your crushed figurines.

    Thanks for the visit.

  7. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:06 pm link comment

    Our native tongue, Filipino, is based on Spanish words, Anni because the country was under the Spanish rule for more than 300 years.

  8. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:10 pm link comment

    Thanks for the visit 🙂

  9. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:17 pm link comment

    Thanks for the visit, Patsy 🙂

  10. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:24 pm link comment

    Thanks Laane 🙂

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